How to clean welding helmet lens

How To Clean Welding Helmet Lens

If you ever have used a welding helmet, you might know how dirty the outer lens of the welding helmet gets. Most welders get surprised by knowing that cleaning the helmet lens on a regular basis is essential. If you don’t clean it frequently, then the dust will accumulate, and it will shorten the life span of the helmet. 

You will observe the grime and scratches on your helmet after a certain point of uncleanliness. By the end of this article, you will know how to clean your welding helmet lens and what you avoid while cleaning. 

How The Lens Gets Dirty?

No matter how high-quality the welding helmet you are using, cleaning it frequently is essential.  The lens may get dirty because of several reasons that include:

  • We all know that workshops aren’t the cleanest places; instead, they have many dust and dirt. The dust from the outer environment strikes the helmet and results in grime and scratches on the helmet lens.
  • Even after regular maintenance of your helmet, it is more likely that it will develop deep scratches. These scratches will further on become annoying in the field. 
  • The little blobs that may develop during weld spatter also reach the helmet lens and give it a messy look.  
  • During welding, smoke from the process leaves a mark on the helmet lens, making it look dirty.

Cleaning of Welding Helmet Lens

Cleaning the lens of the welding helmet is essential, but it should not be challenging. By following our quick and easy steps, you can efficiently clean the helmet lens within minutes. Let’s begin our efforts!

Step No 1: Start from the lens

It would help if you started cleaning the helmet from the lens, as it is the dirtiest part. Although it contains maximum dust, but fortunately, cleaning it is super easy. Keep in mind that the lens has some protective layers on it that make it very sensitive. So, you must deal with the lens gently. 

The first step is to smooth the lens by using a soft brush, and it will help remove the dust. By using this brush, you can notice how dirty your lens was. If you keep cleaning the lens regularly, then there will be less dirt. To remove the leftover dirt and dust, you need to rinse the lens with a unique lens solution. Simply spray the solution on the lens and then wipe it with a soft cloth gently. Delicately clean it in small circular motions to avoid any scratches. 

Step no: 2 Inspect Everything

Get an overall idea of your helmet’s condition. Start observing from the top of the helmet till the bottom to see if there is any severe damage or any part that needs more cleaning. Now, start the cleaning process accordingly! 

Keep in mind that if your helmet has multi-layering, then you should separate each layer and then clean separately. 

Step No 3: Cleaning Dust

The next step is to clean your entire helmet thoroughly. Even if your helmet looks clean, you should clean all the dust off from your helmet. For this process, you need a soft-bristled brush and move it in circular motions. Make sure to clean the helmet by using the only brush. If your helmet is very dirty and needs something else for cleaning, you can rinse it with plain water. Never use any soapy or particular solution for cleaning the helmet. 

Step no 4: Tightening screws

Loose screws are one of the common problems in welding helmets. If you have been using your welding helmet for a long time, then most probably you also have suffered from this issue. After dusting the helmet and its lens, examine all the screws of your helmet. If you find any screws loose, then fix them by using the screwdriver. You may also find some missing screws; in such case, replace them with extra screws that you have. Tightening screws is essential otherwise, the helmet may get loosened. 

Step no 5: Storing Helmet 

After cleaning the helmet correctly, the next and final step is to store it in a safe and secure place. If you have received your welding helmet with a bag, luckily, it is the best place to store your helmet. Otherwise, you have to invest in a helmet bag. These bags are pretty affordable and are an excellent tool for storing helmet and transporting it. Your helmet should be stored in an area where there are fewer chances of being dented. The area should be away from direct sunlight and dust.  

Methods That You Can Use For Cleaning Welding Helmet Lens

Use of Buffing Wheel

You can use a small buffing compound and a buffing wheel for cleaning and restoring the welding helmet lens. The buffing wheel is used primarily in removing scratches. The best way of using it is to buy a light buffing compound, add a bit of it on the spinning wheel, turn it on, and then place your lens on it. Keep on moving the lens slowly, and it will remove scratches from the lens within minutes. 

The use of a buffing wheel requires some expertise, and you need to be careful while applying pressure. 

Use of Rubbing Compound

Another fantastic trick that can be used for cleaning the helmet lens is using a rubbing compound. You can use any mild rubbing compound to give a neat look to your lens. This helps in removing stains, scratches, and oxidation marks from the lens surface. Although it is a bit expensive, you only need a few drops for cleaning, it is worth buying. 

Start the process by putting a few drops of the rubbing compound on the lens. Now, wipe it gently using a microfiber cloth; this will help remove extra junk from the lens. After this, rub a bit harder by using a soft cloth; this will help you show some scratches. Please wait for the rubbing compound to dry; once it gets dried wipe it off by wiping a soft cloth in a circular motion. 

By cleaning your lens with a rubbing compound, you will notice an increase in the life span of the lens. You don’t have to frequently replace your lens, as it will remain clean for an extended period; this helps you save your money. 

Using Polish

The last method that you can use to clean the welding helmet lens is by using polish. Polish is best for removing dirt and giving a shiny look to your lens. Even if you have used glass cleaner before, it is recommended to use polish over it as it creates a thin film that helps prevent the lens from scratches.

Polish helps in preventing the lens from smudging and fogging up. It also fills up the scratches that ultimately increase the life of your lens. After polishing, don’t forget to wipe off the swirl marks; if it remains on the lens, it will become difficult for you to see. 

What Should You Avoid While Cleaning The Welding Helmet Lens

Obviously, you don’t want to damage your lens while cleaning. Some common mistakes can result in significant loss, and you will end up replacing your lens with the new one. Let’s have a quick view on those points that you should avoid:

Using Hard Bristles Brushes

Using stiff bristles on the helmet is strictly prohibited. While cleaning the helmet, you can use a soft bristle brush on the helmet body. The lens of the helmet should only come in contact with the soft cloth. 

Applying Pressure

When cleaning, it is essential to clean the helmet lens gently without applying any force or pressure. Always scrub it in small circular motions, and avoid big, jerky movements. This is because large strokes can damage the lens, and eventually, you have to replace the lens with the new one. Moreover, if your helmet is solar-powered, then it is extra sensitive to heat and light, so you should be more careful while cleaning. 

Removing the batteries

If your welding helmet is battery-powered, then make sure to remove the batteries before cleaning it. Otherwise, it may result in the damaging of batteries.

Using a Scrub Brush

If you use a scrub brush, then it will scratch your lens. After removing the dust’s initial layer, you will need a soft-bristled brush for the next step. By using a stiff brush, your lens can get scratches. 

Tips To Keep Your Welding Helmet Lens Clean

After covering the steps that you should follow, and the mistakes that you should avoid. Here are some essential tips by our experts that will help you in the maintenance of your helmet lens.

Apply Wax On The Shield

Apply a small amount of wax on the outer lens; it will act as a shield. The wax on the lens help in preventing the weld spatter particles from reaching the lens. Moreover, the sticky surface of the lens will help in easier cleaning. Keep in mind that extra wax can create many problems for you as it is difficult to remove. 

Proper Ventilation

Make sure that the work area is adequately ventilated. If your place does not have continuous airflow, you can set up a fan at low speed; this will prevent the formation of smoke and debris. By working in an enclosed space, there are chances of the build-up of residue that you can avoid by ensuring proper ventilation. 

Keep Yourself Away From Smoke

While doing welding, you should keep your head out of the smoke. You don’t have to go very close to the welding process with a clean helmet lens to see it clearly. However, with a dirtier lens, you need to put your head inside the smoke. Also, make sure to stabilize your body and arm while welding; this will help you stay away from the smoke. 

Replacing the lens

Finally, if you have implemented all the tips and tricks, and still your helmet lens is dirty, then it’s time to replace it. Depending on how dirty your lens is and how much effort you have put into the cleaning, you will decide whether you will replace it or try another way.

As the lens acts as the first layer of protection between you and a weld, so you shouldn’t compromise on it. These lenses are not very expensive, so replacing them frequently isn’t a bad option. 

What is the best time to clean your lens?

Cleaning the helmet lens regularly is very important as it ensures to extend the life of the helmet. If you don’t clean it frequently, dust, smoke, and sweat will accumulate. You should clean the lens after every single use using a soft cloth or soft brush.  

When should you replace the lens?

Even maintaining your lens correctly, you still need to replace it after some time. It would help if you always had some replacement lenses so that you can change the lens quickly when required. If your lens has tons of scratches or doesn’t have enough time for regular cleaning, it is the right time to change your lens. 

Final Verdict

Cleaning the welding helmet lens isn’t hard for you as long as you follow the proper steps. Just follow the steps that we have discussed with you and make your welding experience comfortable. The purpose of lens cleaning is to prolong the shelf life of the lens, and for this, you need to be very gentle. 

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